
Club Statement regarding COVID-19

On Saturday March 14th, the Board of Directors of the Simcoe Curling Club had an emergency meeting to discuss COVID-19.

At this time, it has been decided that the curling season will continue as scheduled.

The Board will continue to monitor this situation and we will be reaching out to Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit on Monday for further input.

The Club will do our best to provide hand sanitizer, as well as to have disinfecting wipes at ice level to clean rock handles in between games.

We are asking that players refrain from shaking hands before and after games and to only purchase your own beverages.

If you have recently traveled outside of Canada, or have been on a domestic flight, we ask that you follow Health Canada’s guidelines and self isolate for 14 days prior to returning to the Curling Club.

If you are not feeling well, show symptoms associated with the virus, or are concerned about the possibility of coming in contact with COVID-19, please stay home and look after yourself.

The Board will be meeting on Saturday, March 21st for a regular board meeting. COVID-19 and the remainder of the curling season will be the top of our discussion list.

We will continue to update the membership as new information arises or a change in scheduling has been made.

Upcoming Events

January Luau Funspiel
9:00 AM
Valentine's Dinner & Dance
6:30 PM
Whisky Night
7:30 PM
Slide into Spring
9:00 AM
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