
Seasons Greetings

Greetings, SCC members

On behalf of the Board, I'd like to take a moment during this busy holiday season to express our gratitude to all the staff, volunteers and members of the Simcoe Curling Club.

I'd also like to extend a thank you to the Masters Provincial Hosting Committee for the quick turnaround needed to host the 2023 Master Men and Master Women Provincial Championships. We have received numerous remarks and post event emails from the Masters competitors about the excellent curling ice conditions, the many welcoming volunteers, the delicious food, the level of organization for this event, and how welcomed the teams felt at the SCC. To all our members who volunteered their time, lockers or came down to the club to watch and interact with the Masters teams, these were key to the success of this event. The CurlON organizers and Masters teams had nothing but positive things to say about the SCC.
One constant was the quality of ice and how fortunate we are as a club to have the people we have. The goal of these events is to put the Club's best foot forward and by all accounts the SCC exceeded this. Without you, this would not have been possible.

The Simcoe Curling Club wouldn't be the welcoming community it is today without each and every one of you. Whatever your holiday plans, we hope you all have a safe and enjoyable time with the people dearest to you.
Happy Holidays!
Jayden Russell

Upcoming Events

January Luau Funspiel
9:00 AM
Valentine's Dinner & Dance
6:30 PM
Whisky Night
7:30 PM
Slide into Spring
9:00 AM
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