
Ice and Club Rentals


The Simcoe Curling Club has four (4) sheets of great curling ice, a licensed lounge, a fully equipped kitchen and change rooms.

Ice rentals are open to members and non-members alike.  Instruction may be required, at an additional cost, to groups who contain more than a few non-curlers.



Have an event you would like to host?  Our club capacity is 120 persons.

Rentals may include any combination of the lounge, kitchen, ice and bar services. A one full day inclusive rate is also available and includes use of the ice, locker rooms, loaner equipment, lounge and kitchen.  We have an in house caterer and bar staff.

All rentals require a Liability Insurance Certificate to be purchased at the users cost, in addition to the rental charges.

Consult the Club calendar for available dates.  Inquires should be directed to the Bonspiels and Special Events Chair for assistance. We have a very busy club.  

Ice is available for rent when no leagues or events are booked and when it doesn’t interfere with ice maintenance or preparation.  Rentals must be booked at least three (3) weeks in advance – no exceptions.  

Our in-house caterer will also want to make your event a success.  Once the date of your event has been confirmed available, use the documents below to provide your event details.  This will help our caterer prepare some menus and costing for you.

Please note: If you wish to serve alcohol at your event but don't want to use our licensed bar and service, you will require a Special Occasion Permit (SOP) from the Alcohol Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO).



Filename Size Date
An Adobe Acrobat file 2024_SCC_Rental_Agreement.pdf 121.71 KB 2024-07-20
An Adobe Acrobat file 2024_SCC_Event_Catering_Requirements.pdf 71.35 KB 2024-07-20



The Club welcomes and encourages outside individuals or groups to rent the facilities.  

Corporate ice rentals are encouraged to combine a “Learn to Curl” experience with their meeting or socials.  School and other youth groups are most welcome.

Instructors are available to help you try the sport.  An instructor fee applies.  Inexperienced groups are required to use an Instructor for safety, proper use of the facility and enjoyment.  One instructor is required for every eight (8) participants on the ice.


Also, at this time the club is not fully accessible from the parking lot and does not have accessible main floor washrooms.

Upcoming Events

January Luau Funspiel
9:00 AM
Valentine's Dinner & Dance
6:30 PM
Whisky Night
7:30 PM
Slide into Spring
9:00 AM
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