- To recognize and encourage volunteering
- To create equity amongst volunteers at our club
- To maintain a fiscal responsibility with regards to our volunteer recognition
Listed below are the areas where volunteers are required in our club:
Volunteer Title | Area of Responsibility | Reports To | Time Commitment | Skill Requirement | Number of Volunteers Required |
Food Service | Bonspiels and Special Events | Bonspiels and Special Events | 1 or 2 nights a year | Safe Food Handlers | 2 |
Maintenance Assistance | Facilities | Facilities Chair | Ongoing | 1 | |
Lead League Convenor | Draw | Draw Chair | Ongoing | 12 | |
Assistant League Convenor | Draw | Draw Chair | Ongoing | 24 | |
Board Member | Board of Directors | President | Ongoing | Word processing, email, etc. | 12 |
Club Officers | Board of Directors | President | Ongoing | Word processing, email, etc. | 1 |
CurlON Representative | Curling Development | Curling Development | Ongoing | 1 | |
Bonspiel Convenor | Bonspiel and Special Events | Bonspiel & Special Events Chair | Clustered around bonspiel | 25 | |
CurlON Event Host | Bonspiel and Special Events | Bonspiel & Special Events Chair | TBD | TBD | 25 |
Rental Assistant | Bonspiel and Special Events | Bonspiel & Special Events Chair | Ongoing | 1 | |
Graphic Design | Bonspiel and Special Events | Bonspiel & Special Events Chair | Ongoing | 1 | |
Ice Installation/Removal | Ice | Ice Operations Chair | Start or End of Season | None | 20 |
Ice Volunteer | Ice | Ice Operations Chair | Ongoing | Knowledge of ice making | 5 |
Website Event Creator | Communication | Communications | Ongoing | Knowledge of website | 1 |
Content Creator | Communication | Communications | Ongoing | 2 | |
Junior Coordinator | Curling Development | Curling Development | Ongoing | Coaching course, criminal record check, vulnerable sector screen | 1 |
Learn to Curl Coordinator | Curling Development | Curling Development | Ongoing | Coaching course | 1 |
AIL Coordinator | Curling Development | Curling Development | Ongoing | Coaching course | 1 |
Junior Curling Coach | Curling Development | Junior Coordinator | Ongoing | Coaching course, criminal record check, vulnerable sector screen | 10 |
Adult Curling Coach | Curling Development | LTC/AIL Coordinator | Ongoing | Coaching course | 20 |
Bartenders | Bar | Bar Operations Chair | Ongoing | Smart Serve | 10 |
High School Coach | High School Coordinator | Curling Development | Ongoing | Coaching course, criminal record check, vulnerable sector screen | 5 |
High School Coordinator | Curling Development | Curling Development | Ongoing | Coaching course, criminal record check, vulnerable sector screen | 1 |
Record Archivists | Communications | Communications | Ongoing | Scanning, computer | 2 |
Try Curling Now Coordinator | Curling Development | Curling Development | Ongoing | 1 |
- Volunteering will require a minimum of 8 hours per member.
- Full memberships will be charged 100% of the levy ($50 for 2022/23, with intentions of going to $100 the year after)
- Redemptions will occur in the following year however if a member does not return, the club will issue a refund to them by cheque before the end of the following November.
- One league or One draw memberships will be charged 50% of the levy. 50% of the time commitment per member.
- Juniors U21, U18, U15 ,U12, Social, New Members, Learn to Curl, and AIL memberships are excluded.
- Lifetime members are required to pay if they are curling
- Non-volunteer levy is non-refundable
Behind the Scenes:
- Chairs to determine where there are vacancies or a need. This information will be provided to the Webmaster no later than September 15th
- Webmaster to populate and update roles and fees annually
- Roles will be grandfathered where applicable
- Will run a test registration to ensure that the reports and fees are functional
- Use online registration. Selections are not timestamped.
- All registrants will pay the levy. The levy will be applied to the following season. If the member does not return, they will receive a refund via cheque that will be issued after the start of the following season.
- Chairs and convenors will have access to volunteer lists
- Chairs will communicate to their volunteers
Each Chair or person responsible will track the hours of their volunteers. This information will be forwarded to the Finance Chair, Membership, and Treasurer within two weeks of the end of the season.
Membership will review and input the credits on the back end of the website based on the lists provided by the chairs. After registration has closed, Membership will review identify the credits that have not been redeemed and coordinate with Finance and the Treasurer to issue the refund.