
Rowan's Law

Rowan's Law


Rowan’s Law was named for Rowan Stringer, a high school rugby player from Ottawa, who died in the spring of 2013 from a condition known as second impact syndrome (swelling of the brain caused by a subsequent injury that occurred before a previous injury healed). Rowan is believed to have experienced three concussions over six days while playing rugby. She had a concussion, but didn’t know her brain needed time to heal. Neither did her parents, teachers or coaches.

In any curling fall, there is a risk of the curler hitting their head. Every curler and member should have an awareness of concussions by viewing this 11 minute video on Concussion Awareness. 

 The Rowan’s Law concussion awareness rules came into effect on July 1, 2019. After that date, sport organizations must not register athletes under 26 years of age* into a sport activity unless they, as well as their parent (for athletes under 18), provide confirmation that they have reviewed one of the Concussion Awareness Resources within the previous twelve months. Sport organizations must also not allow coaches, team trainers and officials to serve as a coach, team trainer or official for or in respect of the sport organization unless they provide confirmation that they have reviewed one of the Concussion Awareness Resources, every year.  Each club must verify and keep evidence that each participant in club organized events (leagues, learn to curl, bonspiels, competitions, etc) have complied and reviewed the documentation.





Additional Resource: Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resource e-booklet 
Removal from Sport Protocols

If a curler falls on the ice surface and other members feel that the head has made contact with a rock or the ice surface, the curler will not be permitted to resume curling that day. An ambulance will be called to assess the member and the member's emergency contact will be called. 

Return to Sport Protocols

To return to curling, the member must receive an "all clear" from a physician or a nurse practioner. 

 The above resources are not meant to provide medical advice about your health care. For advice on health care for concussion symptoms, please consult with a physician or nurse practitioner.

Important links to other resources:

Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resources

Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety)

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January Luau Funspiel
9:00 AM
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