
SCC Rock Handle Replacement and Sponsorship Program

SCC Rock Handle Replacement and Sponsorship Program
SCC Rock Handle Replacement and Sponsorship Program

Introducing a new yearly rock handle sponsorship program. 

Recently rock handles have been starting to show their age and a couple have broken. We are introducing a yearly rock handle sponsorship program, replacing one colour set on one sheet per season. A total of 8 sponsors per season (rocks 1-8) will have their name engraved on a replacement rock handle. Current members whose names are on rocks set to be replaced will have the first right of refusal to re-sponsor the rock; if they decline, the rock will be made available to new sponsors.

The remaining 8 spots will be available for sponsorship on a first-come, first-served basis through a special event to be announced on the SCC website at 12:30 PM on December 11th. This year, all 8 rocks are open for new sponsors.
The first set to be replaced will be yellow rocks on sheet 2 as one of those rocks is already in need of replacement.

The cost of the rock sponsorship is $200 with an option of an additional $50 to engrave the 2nd side.* The sponsorship is guaranteed for 8 years**. 
The character limit is 3 lines of text per side—18 characters per line including spaces and punctuation.
The optional second side can be 3 more unique lines of text. 
* HST not included. Pricing is subject to change each season based on cost increases
** If prematurely damaged the club will replace the rock handle with the existing sponsored name

Event Date December 11, 2024, 12:30 pm
Event End Date January 1, 2025
Cut off date December 20, 2024
Capacity 8
Registered 8
Individual Price $200 + HST

Sorry, the event is now full and we are not accepting any more registrations

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